Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hair Styles For Fine Grey Hair


An essential tool for U.S. citizens visiting Canada is always published on tourist guides written precisely for those many neighbors who seek to north, also just across the border, a world more peaceful, more relaxed, cleaner, more ... more ... more ... but of course will be useful to Italian tourists who go to Canada as well (despite my disagreement!) in the United States.
And then, as I have you said, there are places in Canada che si sono ‘dimenticate’ di eliminare e sostituire vecchie insegne o che preferiscono (ho il sospetto che sia proprio per agevolare i ‘gringos’!) dare la doppia indicazione.

E già, perché gli americani continuano a viaggiare in MILES e a misurare la temperatura in FAHRENHEIT (un po’ testoni, insomma, come gli inglesi – e non solo - che guidano ancora tenendo la destra!).
Sto parlando appunto della conversione da miglia in chilometri e da farhenheit a celsius.

Per convertire farhenheit in celsius: sottrarre 32 dai farhenheit e moltiplicare per 5/9 (0,556).
Per convertire celsius in farhenheit: moltiplicare Celsius for the 9 / 5 (1.8) and add 32.
clear? In practice:
-15 C ° = 5
-9 C ° F ° F °
0 = 15 ° C = 32 F ° 10 C °
50 F ° 16 C ° = 60 ° F 21 ° C

= 70 F ° 27 C ° F °
32 = 80 = 90 F ° C °
37 ° C = 100 ° F
To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the number of miles for 1.6
To convert kilometers to miles, multiply the number of miles to 0.6
Easier, right? And if you travel with a 'car hire, if you're lucky the odometer shows both options. Always follow the speed limits: K / PH Kilometres per hour - M / PH miles per hour (in Canada never beyond 110 km per hour including motorways)
In Practice:
30 km / h = 20 MPH
50 km / h = 30 MPH
60 km / h = 35 MPH
70 km / h = 45 MPH
80 km / h = 50 MPH
90 km / h = 55 MPH
100 km / h = 60 MPH
110 km / h = 65 MPH


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