Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Denise Milani In The Dark

a red jacket

Chicago Cops - LA7 hours Mon-Fri 12:30 to 13:30
He 's back on the air a nice Canadian telefilm, written by Paul Haggis, whose continued success since 1994 and has as its protagonist a "our" colleague RCMP Benton Fraser (Paul Gross) and his inseparable companion Diefenbacker a dog-wolf deaf but can read lips (in some series appears Lincoln as a Husky or a Malamute named Draco).
born first as a film before becoming a television series following the success of the United States ... that just happened probably due to the way that Americans have to consider the Canadian way!
the footsteps of the murderers of his father, a legendary officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Fraser arrives from the Rocky Mountains to Chicago, and while recognizing a fish out of water, wants to continue its investigation aided by local cop Ray Vecchio (David Marciano) and gets transferred to the Canadian Consulate in the city.
Other important characters are two women, Meg Thatcher, Upper Fraser and Vecchio Francesca (Ramona Milano), sister of Ray. Both women are desperately in love with Fraser and the very fact that he did not seem aware of it makes it even more interesting.
Yes, because this character is an archetype of Mountie, with so many skills that are crazy about all the women who meet him, attraente, estremamente educato e cortese, premuroso, galante, onesto e sincero, raffinato ed elegante nell’indossare (sempre) la sua divisa rossa, una cultura enciclopedica su qualsiasi argomento, capacità investigative straordinarie, metodi spesso ‘strambi’ che però portano a risultati immediati, apparentemente inflessibile e naif , in ogni circostanza si dimostra desideroso di fare ciò che è giusto pur mettendo a repentaglio quanto ha di più caro.
Tratto dal post di Feuille d'Erable del 25 maggio 2008 Due South


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