Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cute Bf And Gf Quotes

You who live safe
in your warm houses,
you who are returning in the evening
hot food and friendly faces: Consider if
this is a man who works
in the mud
that knows no peace
fighting for half a loaf
dying for a yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman,
no hair and no name
no more strength to remember
eyes empty and her womb cold
like a frog in winter.
forget that this was:
Remember these words.
Engrave in your heart
staying at home or in the street,
lying down, getting up.
Repeat them to your children.
O vi si sfaccia la casa,
la malattia vi impedisca,
i vostri nati torcano il viso da voi.

(Primo Levi - Se questo è un uomo)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spell To Make Me A Wolf

Please wait.

Oggi giornata moscissima . In ufficio non ho praticamente nulla da fare e sto cercando di far passare la giornata in qualche modo. Ma non so più dove andare a parare.
Che senso ha stare qui seduta davanti al PC ad aspettare chissà cosa invece di andare a casa a riposarmi e a fare qualsiasi cosa più allettante? Domanda retorica.

Non ha nessun senso quindi vado a casa. Cià.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dental Receptionist Cover Letter For Experienced


... Something is changing ....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Unprocessed Ccoca Powder


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saree Blouse Design Kimono

You know what??

E' ora di andare a casa.
Anche per oggi siamo sopravvissuti.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Replacement Bulbs For Ikea Stranne


Beh, non mi posso lamentare!

Sono stata a dieta una settimana e sono quasi tornata al mio peso pre-festivo, il che non è male. Chiaramente il cammino è lungo, anzi lunghissimo, ma non ho nessuna intenzione di abbandonare la nave.

Faccio fatica a svegliarmi alle 6 per go in the pool before the office, eat the legs of the table when I get home at 8 o'clock in the evening and all that awaits me on the table is the MINESTRONE , I try to convince me that taking the stairs is the funniest thing that there is , each time finding a different way to pass all those damned steps that I share the front door ... (The other day I counted the steps with the letters of the alphabet, but since the Italian was not enough, I repeated in English and German until they reached the fourth floor!).

Well, eventually all the efforts I do seems to bring some result, even if my own, as they say the real journalists, è solo un CAUTO OTTIMISMO.

So perfettamente che quando si passa dal mangiare qualsiasi cosa golosa che capita a tiro in qualsiasi ora del giorno a (non) mangiare delle cose che danno solo idea vaga di cibo, si perde subito peso. Il problema sarà mantenere costante la discesa verso la mia snellitudine!!

Il pranzo di oggi è stato:
Bresaola - Carciofi -1 Arancia

Per dispetto il prossimo post sarà la mia ricetta dei muffin!

Borderless Printing Help

Friday 22, at 8 pm, in Cagliari (Sa Illetta, c or Tiscali)

This Friday there will be a meeting and presentation of the Gaetan Transat and 91 GRF for appassionti and friends of Cagliari and its surroundings.

The meeting will be held in the magnificent auditorium at the headquarters of Tiscali, in Sa Illetta on the road to Pula (SS 195), 20 to January 22 next Friday.

Gaetano show archive instant navigation and describe his incredible experience. Will numerous guests, the meeting is open to all.

View Larger Map

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Airplane Used In Commando

Meeting with fans in Cagliari, home to Tiscali (22 January)

300 or even 400, were the people who crowded the Saturday, December 26 Movies Arena Cala Gonone (Dorgali) to listen to Gary Walls and relive the adventure with him Minitransat 2009: the legendary solo race from La Rochelle (France) to Salvador de Bahia (Brazil), via Madeira (Portugal), which runs on small Mini 6.50 and sophisticated.
Through his stories, beautiful photos and videos, everyone could live Minitransat Gaetano, from boat building to the first exit into the sea from the qualifying races in the Mediterranean to those in solitary in the Atlantic, to the "Race", the real one, long over 4000 miles. Without shame or rhetoric, Gary wanted to show even the hard times, disappointments, discouragement and, ultimately, fear of not making it: a challenge clearly human rather than technical.
very interesting intervention of local institutions, Dorgali Municipality and the Province of Nuoro, who saw in Gary opportunity to promote the area and its environmental, the "main sponsor" GRF91 who espoused the cause, fascinated by that "the Minitransat was not a dream but, rather, a race that, in one way or another, Gary decided to do." Of great interest was the intervention of the trainer Mark Cabo who explained why he aimed "not to fill the gaps, as is normal with the athletes, but to enhance the quality of Gaetano, the only ones who, in times difficulties, would help him stand out of trouble. "
As the evening progressed, the curiosity, fascination and finally took a real involvement of the audience, even those who know nothing of sailing boats. Long and applause were heard, followed by sincere actions of thanks a chi, con semplicità ed immediatezza, ha saputo mostrare che con il sacrificio e la perseveranza si possono vincere sfide importanti.
Gaetano, accogliendo i numerosi inviti che gli sono stati fatti, ha promesso che a breve sarà a Cagliari ( il 22 Gennaio , nella sala incontri di Tiscali a Sa Illetta) e a Siniscola, ben felice di raccontare ciò che ha affascinato i suoi compaesani: una esperienza dura ma immensamente affascinante, gratificante e formativa.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bright Red Spotting At 39 Weeks

.... I feel so: Sweet memories

Monday, January 11, 2010

How To Use Projector In Sunlight


No, not a number at random. That 's what appeared on the scale this morning when I weighed in order to understand the level of leavening reached!
Here is the most disaster disaster that could happen. Although I believe that this burden is not entirely true, last night I ate like BueGrasso Smurfs then in my opinion might be less tragic than expected.

However 82.2 is the starting point for the diet that I started today.
I will try to document my weekly improvements.
The goal is to lose 7 kg in about 2 and a half months, maximum 3.
Sgarro allowed only dinner for my birthday.

ohhh .. are really happy, now the absolute value of my flesh is no longer a taboo.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How Long To Charge Panasonic Lumix Battery
