A reader asked me how to go to university in Canada.
We therefore propose that the procedure by which international students can enroll at the University di Calgary.
1. Controllate le date di scadenza per fare la domanda di iscrizione.
La maggior parte dei programmi di studio accetta iscrizioni solo per iniziare durante il periodo autunnale ma le scadenze dipendono dal programma specifico. L’Università consiglia agli studenti internazionali di fare domanda di iscrizione entro il primo febbraio anche se alcune domande verranno considerate dopo questa data se tempo e risorse lo permettono.
2. Esplorate i corsi offerti dall’università di Calgary. L’università offre un po’ di tutto: dall’Accounting alla Zoologia. Cercate di capire tutte le possibilità che vi vengono offerte e poi riducete la vostra selezione perché quando fate la domanda Registration will be asked to provide a first and a second preference.
3. Analyze the requirements for registration
These depend on the fact that you are high school students or students already in an Italian university.
As for Italian high school students must submit a high school diploma. Each faculty also has different requirements for what those subjects which you studied in high school.
If you have already studied at university in Italy can apply for "transfer".
4. You have to meet the requirements of proficiency in English.
Language used at the University of Calgary is English therefore in order to attend you must successfully demonstrate knowledge of the language, knowing speaking, understanding, reading and writing.
5. Prepare documentation
Documents related to examinations and registrations in Italy must be sent directly to the Office Subscriptions. Documents relating to the description of courses taken in Italy must be verified and shipped directly from the registration office of the Italian university. All documents not in English must be accompanied by an official translation in English.
Do not send original documents at the University of Calgary because there will return!
6. Understand what you must do to apply for a student visa for Canada. Anyone who is not a Canadian citizen permanent resident of Canada, will need a student visa. It is important that you understand the time it takes to request and obtain a student visa from Italy.
7. If you have any questions, please read the page on frequently asked questions by international students or contact the university directly.
8. Make application for registration!
http://www.italiansinfuga.com/2011/02/10/otto-passi-per-iscriversi -
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