"A Taste of Italy''on the island of Newfoundland
The ICE led a delegation of 34 wineries from 12 Italian regions have made known the wonders of Italian wine in Canadian soil.
are 34 wineries from 12 Italian regions took part, 18 and 19 February 2011, at the seminar "A Taste of Italy" - in which Italy was the guest of honor - that was held in St. John's, capital of the province of Newfoundland. The event, which also included a wine tasting was organized by ICE, in collaboration with Newfoundland - Labrador Liquor Corporation (NLC), the monopoly of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador for the import, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages .
The event - a time promotional dedicated exclusively to the Italian wine this year and aimed at consumer and trade - has seen the participation of Italian producers from Puglia, Abruzzo, Marche, Tuscany, Umbria, Sicily, Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto, which could enjoy a very favorable visibility.
The initiative is part of a strategic action in the consolidation of the Canadian market, particularly in a process of geographical diversification of the Italian aimed at intercepting the opportunities emerging from the rich Canadian market.
"This year - said the President of ICE, Umberto Vattani - Italy and its wines were the protagonists in this area of \u200b\u200bCanada fascinating and little known. The interesting initiative organized by the NLC, the offering of Italian wines is geographically diversified Canadian market. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador - osserva Vattani - segna interessanti tassi di crescita della domanda di vino italiano e ha registrato un incremento del 13% per i bianchi e dell’8% per i rossi. L’Italia - prosegue Vattani - è attualmente il secondo fornitore di vino di quest’area del Paese con una quota di mercato dell’11%, dietro l’Australia. Lo status di Paese Ospite ha consentito ai nostri produttori di vini di conquistare il favore degli operatori canadesi".
(ItalPlanet News)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pisces With Scorpio Of November
Alexander Young Jackson (Montreal 1882 – Kleinburg 1974) fu un altro pittore del Gruppo dei Sette ( Group of Seven ).
In his youth he worked in lithography and attended evening classes in painting. He later studied at the Julien Academy in Paris and the Art Institute of Chicago.
His painting "The edge of the maple wood " attracted the attention of JEH McDonald, another painter of the Group of Seven who did buy the other painter Lawren Harris, who invited him to Toronto to get to know other members the group that was forming. That it averted from emigrating to the USA where he hoped to find the success that Montreal had been denied.
After taking part in the First World War had a stint as artist for the Canadian military cemeteries.
Dal 1919 in poi si dedicò a dipingere il paesaggio canadese secondo un suo stile individuale ispirato all’impressionismo che aveva assorbito durante il suo soggiorno parigino e raffinato in frequenti viaggi in tutto il nord del Canada.
Il dipinto “ Barns ” ( fienili) del 1926 esemplifica il suo stile dalle linee curve e dal colore temperato che dà vita a un’immagine forte e duratura..
Di temperamento solitario, descrisse nella sua autobiografia “ A Painter’s Country ” (1958) la sua visione pittorica nazionalista.
A.Y. Jackson è sepolto nel cimitero della Galleria McMichael a Kleinburg vicino ai suoi amici.
Alexander Young Jackson (Montreal 1882 – Kleinburg 1974) fu un altro pittore del Gruppo dei Sette ( Group of Seven ).
In his youth he worked in lithography and attended evening classes in painting. He later studied at the Julien Academy in Paris and the Art Institute of Chicago.
His painting "The edge of the maple wood " attracted the attention of JEH McDonald, another painter of the Group of Seven who did buy the other painter Lawren Harris, who invited him to Toronto to get to know other members the group that was forming. That it averted from emigrating to the USA where he hoped to find the success that Montreal had been denied.
After taking part in the First World War had a stint as artist for the Canadian military cemeteries.
Dal 1919 in poi si dedicò a dipingere il paesaggio canadese secondo un suo stile individuale ispirato all’impressionismo che aveva assorbito durante il suo soggiorno parigino e raffinato in frequenti viaggi in tutto il nord del Canada.
Il dipinto “ Barns ” ( fienili) del 1926 esemplifica il suo stile dalle linee curve e dal colore temperato che dà vita a un’immagine forte e duratura..
Di temperamento solitario, descrisse nella sua autobiografia “ A Painter’s Country ” (1958) la sua visione pittorica nazionalista.
A.Y. Jackson è sepolto nel cimitero della Galleria McMichael a Kleinburg vicino ai suoi amici.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dryland For Butterfly
Winterlude in Ottawa
1) One of the ice sculptures placed in the Fontana (Fountain Trafalgar) located in Confederation Park in downtown Ottawa
3) slip on the Rideau Canal, the most 'beautiful and more' big ice rink in the world.
And here are some pictures of celebrated Winterlude in Ottawa and the Canadian National Capital Region of February 4 to 21.
And here are some pictures of celebrated Winterlude in Ottawa and the Canadian National Capital Region of February 4 to 21.
1) One of the ice sculptures placed in the Fontana (Fountain Trafalgar) located in Confederation Park in downtown Ottawa
2) Still in Confederation Park this is the stage of "Aboriginal Experiences" a sight to behold! On the right you can see the tepee Monument to the Aboriginal and Aboriginal People who have died (and) in the war. The Monument and 'made of bronze statues of men and women in their traditional costumes, and statues of a deer, a bear, an elk and a wolf. Looming over all of the statue of the eagle ', the god revered by the Aborigines.
3) slip on the Rideau Canal, the most 'beautiful and more' big ice rink in the world.
4) Do not believe us? Here's a little glimpse (?) At the bottom you see the Chateau Laurier, and if you look closely you can see a window on the left, and 'the brand new Palazzo dei Congressi which will open 'soon!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hair Styles For Fine Grey Hair
An essential tool for U.S. citizens visiting Canada is always published on tourist guides written precisely for those many neighbors who seek to north, also just across the border, a world more peaceful, more relaxed, cleaner, more ... more ... more ... but of course will be useful to Italian tourists who go to Canada as well (despite my disagreement!) in the United States.
And then, as I have you said, there are places in Canada che si sono ‘dimenticate’ di eliminare e sostituire vecchie insegne o che preferiscono (ho il sospetto che sia proprio per agevolare i ‘gringos’!) dare la doppia indicazione.
E già, perché gli americani continuano a viaggiare in MILES e a misurare la temperatura in FAHRENHEIT (un po’ testoni, insomma, come gli inglesi – e non solo - che guidano ancora tenendo la destra!).
Sto parlando appunto della conversione da miglia in chilometri e da farhenheit a celsius.
Per convertire farhenheit in celsius: sottrarre 32 dai farhenheit e moltiplicare per 5/9 (0,556).
Per convertire celsius in farhenheit: moltiplicare Celsius for the 9 / 5 (1.8) and add 32.
clear? In practice:
And then, as I have you said, there are places in Canada che si sono ‘dimenticate’ di eliminare e sostituire vecchie insegne o che preferiscono (ho il sospetto che sia proprio per agevolare i ‘gringos’!) dare la doppia indicazione.
E già, perché gli americani continuano a viaggiare in MILES e a misurare la temperatura in FAHRENHEIT (un po’ testoni, insomma, come gli inglesi – e non solo - che guidano ancora tenendo la destra!).
Sto parlando appunto della conversione da miglia in chilometri e da farhenheit a celsius.
Per convertire farhenheit in celsius: sottrarre 32 dai farhenheit e moltiplicare per 5/9 (0,556).
Per convertire celsius in farhenheit: moltiplicare Celsius for the 9 / 5 (1.8) and add 32.
clear? In practice:
-15 C ° = 5
-9 C ° F ° F °
0 = 15 ° C = 32 F ° 10 C °
50 F ° 16 C ° = 60 ° F 21 ° C
= 70 F ° 27 C ° F °
32 = 80 = 90 F ° C °
-9 C ° F ° F °
0 = 15 ° C = 32 F ° 10 C °
50 F ° 16 C ° = 60 ° F 21 ° C
= 70 F ° 27 C ° F °
32 = 80 = 90 F ° C °
37 ° C = 100 ° F
To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the number of miles for 1.6
To convert kilometers to miles, multiply the number of miles to 0.6
Easier, right? And if you travel with a 'car hire, if you're lucky the odometer shows both options. Always follow the speed limits: K / PH Kilometres per hour - M / PH miles per hour (in Canada never beyond 110 km per hour including motorways)
To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the number of miles for 1.6
To convert kilometers to miles, multiply the number of miles to 0.6
Easier, right? And if you travel with a 'car hire, if you're lucky the odometer shows both options. Always follow the speed limits: K / PH Kilometres per hour - M / PH miles per hour (in Canada never beyond 110 km per hour including motorways)
In Practice:
30 km / h = 20 MPH
50 km / h = 30 MPH
60 km / h = 35 MPH
70 km / h = 45 MPH
80 km / h = 50 MPH
90 km / h = 55 MPH
100 km / h = 60 MPH
50 km / h = 30 MPH
60 km / h = 35 MPH
70 km / h = 45 MPH
80 km / h = 50 MPH
90 km / h = 55 MPH
100 km / h = 60 MPH
110 km / h = 65 MPH
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
New Hidden Object Games
The breakfasts are made with Costa Rican gallo pinto , a dish of rice and beans cooked blacks as possible the night before, so if they add more sausage , white rice, omelets and fruit type pineapple and papaya. However I found everywhere pancakes made with various ingredients and accompanied by maple syrup or maple .
all. No. Canada is most present in Costa Rica to Tamarindo, I saw a branch of Scotia Bank. Great, then great. Wonder. Also because we just do not exist. When I got to count ten branches, I understand that Canadians are serious, and I think throughout the country there are at least twenty-five.
Accustomed to admire the livery of Air Canada or Air Transat only to Rome or Venice or Pescara summer charms the intersection of San Jose on the tarmac of the colors of the aircraft of Air Transat and Air Canada. Escape from the cold, but stays in a country that seems to be bending over backwards to give the tourists passing through or repetitive, or to turn a retired stay discreet, friendly, no surprises.
Moral: Do not wait until summer to go to Canada.
go there in winter. Perhaps just to go to Costa Rica So it is almost the same.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Motorbikes On Tortola
A reader asked me how to go to university in Canada.
We therefore propose that the procedure by which international students can enroll at the University di Calgary.
1. Controllate le date di scadenza per fare la domanda di iscrizione.
La maggior parte dei programmi di studio accetta iscrizioni solo per iniziare durante il periodo autunnale ma le scadenze dipendono dal programma specifico. L’Università consiglia agli studenti internazionali di fare domanda di iscrizione entro il primo febbraio anche se alcune domande verranno considerate dopo questa data se tempo e risorse lo permettono.
2. Esplorate i corsi offerti dall’università di Calgary. L’università offre un po’ di tutto: dall’Accounting alla Zoologia. Cercate di capire tutte le possibilità che vi vengono offerte e poi riducete la vostra selezione perché quando fate la domanda Registration will be asked to provide a first and a second preference.
3. Analyze the requirements for registration
These depend on the fact that you are high school students or students already in an Italian university.
As for Italian high school students must submit a high school diploma. Each faculty also has different requirements for what those subjects which you studied in high school.
If you have already studied at university in Italy can apply for "transfer".
4. You have to meet the requirements of proficiency in English.
Language used at the University of Calgary is English therefore in order to attend you must successfully demonstrate knowledge of the language, knowing speaking, understanding, reading and writing.
5. Prepare documentation
Documents related to examinations and registrations in Italy must be sent directly to the Office Subscriptions. Documents relating to the description of courses taken in Italy must be verified and shipped directly from the registration office of the Italian university. All documents not in English must be accompanied by an official translation in English.
Do not send original documents at the University of Calgary because there will return!
6. Understand what you must do to apply for a student visa for Canada. Anyone who is not a Canadian citizen permanent resident of Canada, will need a student visa. It is important that you understand the time it takes to request and obtain a student visa from Italy.
7. If you have any questions, please read the page on frequently asked questions by international students or contact the university directly.
8. Make application for registration! -
alluniversita-in-canada /? Awt_l 56q6U = & = awt_m 1gB8R7Q7pPH3bG
A reader asked me how to go to university in Canada.
We therefore propose that the procedure by which international students can enroll at the University di Calgary.
1. Controllate le date di scadenza per fare la domanda di iscrizione.
La maggior parte dei programmi di studio accetta iscrizioni solo per iniziare durante il periodo autunnale ma le scadenze dipendono dal programma specifico. L’Università consiglia agli studenti internazionali di fare domanda di iscrizione entro il primo febbraio anche se alcune domande verranno considerate dopo questa data se tempo e risorse lo permettono.
2. Esplorate i corsi offerti dall’università di Calgary. L’università offre un po’ di tutto: dall’Accounting alla Zoologia. Cercate di capire tutte le possibilità che vi vengono offerte e poi riducete la vostra selezione perché quando fate la domanda Registration will be asked to provide a first and a second preference.
3. Analyze the requirements for registration
These depend on the fact that you are high school students or students already in an Italian university.
As for Italian high school students must submit a high school diploma. Each faculty also has different requirements for what those subjects which you studied in high school.
If you have already studied at university in Italy can apply for "transfer".
4. You have to meet the requirements of proficiency in English.
Language used at the University of Calgary is English therefore in order to attend you must successfully demonstrate knowledge of the language, knowing speaking, understanding, reading and writing.
5. Prepare documentation
Documents related to examinations and registrations in Italy must be sent directly to the Office Subscriptions. Documents relating to the description of courses taken in Italy must be verified and shipped directly from the registration office of the Italian university. All documents not in English must be accompanied by an official translation in English.
Do not send original documents at the University of Calgary because there will return!
6. Understand what you must do to apply for a student visa for Canada. Anyone who is not a Canadian citizen permanent resident of Canada, will need a student visa. It is important that you understand the time it takes to request and obtain a student visa from Italy.
7. If you have any questions, please read the page on frequently asked questions by international students or contact the university directly.
8. Make application for registration! -
alluniversita-in-canada /? Awt_l 56q6U = & = awt_m 1gB8R7Q7pPH3bG
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cheats For Counterfeit
Feuille d'Erable ha scritto con cura e assiduità mentre io me la spassavo a Potrero, Costa Rica, nella regione nord ovest del paese centro americano.
Feuille d'Erable ha scritto con cura e assiduità mentre io me la spassavo a Potrero, Costa Rica, nella regione nord ovest del paese centro americano.
Difficile raccontare che ero là per lavoro. Sole, mare, piscina, strade un pò lontane dai nostri standard, vegetazione tropicale. Tutto quanto può attrarre durante il periodo invernale. Infatti, Potrero e Tamarindo sono affollate di gente che non vuole sentire parlare di freddo e parka.
Ecco che allora, ero sì a Potrero, ma lì nel mio villaggio, vicino alla mia piscina, tutt'intorno in realtà era Canada. Canada ovest e Canada est, accomunati da un desiderio solo, sole. Qualcuno for vacation, but others to enjoy the place to spend the days of retirement. I saw them smiling sitting at the tables of Italian restaurants, trips away from the wind, rue Ste Catherine - Montréal, exiles from Yonge Street - Toronto, remember to Marine Drive - Vancouver. Red faces, happy with Imperial or Pilsen beer instead of draft , even without the desire to hockey games.
And then to define the territory's flag that I would never even think of raising the anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Ecco che allora, ero sì a Potrero, ma lì nel mio villaggio, vicino alla mia piscina, tutt'intorno in realtà era Canada. Canada ovest e Canada est, accomunati da un desiderio solo, sole. Qualcuno for vacation, but others to enjoy the place to spend the days of retirement. I saw them smiling sitting at the tables of Italian restaurants, trips away from the wind, rue Ste Catherine - Montréal, exiles from Yonge Street - Toronto, remember to Marine Drive - Vancouver. Red faces, happy with Imperial or Pilsen beer instead of draft , even without the desire to hockey games.
And then to define the territory's flag that I would never even think of raising the anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Need New Bottle For Baby Alive
CARMINE DE LUCA TERMOELETTROIMPIANTI Corso Asia headquarters from 28 to 24,049 Verdellino (BG): Plumbers Electricians Plumbers Electricians Restructuring Restructuring
TERMOELETTROIMPIANTI CARMINE DE LUCA Corso Asia headquarters from 28 to 24,049 Verdellino (BG): Plumbers Electricians Improvement: Installation and maintenance of installations and sanitary installations Heating and Air Conditioning Gas Electrical Automation Gates Clean C. .. "
TERMOELETTROIMPIANTI CARMINE DE LUCA Corso Asia headquarters from 28 to 24,049 Verdellino (BG): Plumbers Electricians Improvement: Installation and maintenance of installations and sanitary installations Heating and Air Conditioning Gas Electrical Automation Gates Clean C. .. "
How Do You Sue A Nailshop ?
installation and maintenance of installations and sanitary installations Heating Cooling and Electrical Gas Cleaning Condominiums and Office Automation Gates
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Membership Form For Church
Wells Gray Provincial Park. BC
Le possibilità di vivere l’autentica wilderness canadese sono innumerevoli. Si sa.
Una proposta sperimentata da un gruppo di amici qualche anno fa è incancellabile nei loro ricordi tanto che da allora non fanno che tornare ogni anno in Canada, cercando di scoprire in ogni provincia quanto di meglio ci sia. Amano e rispettano la natura, boschi, laghi e fiumi ed i loro abitanti, il ritmo lento e silenzioso della vita all’aria aperta, spostandosi a piedi o a cavallo, accompagnati da guide esperte. Questo è il Canada.
Dopo aver visitato Vancouver e dintorni, oppure le Rocciose tra BC e Alberta, alcuni giorni di relax, con base al WELLS GRAY RANCH , within the Provincial Park - 540,000 acres in the majestic Caribou Mountains of British Columbia - enjoying the life of the cowboy: walking in the dense forests to reach the beautiful waterfall Helmcken, Dawson Falls, the Osprey Lookout, the Eagles View, Chute Baileys, camping in a sleeping bag on the shores of Clearwater Lake and the next day exploring by canoe. Maybe
tiring, you have to be trained to walk but in return you receive a contact with nature unimaginable admire the fauna meeting maybe the bear (memorize the rules of conduct) and glimpses of wilderness of breathtaking beauty!
The Wells Gray Ranch (about 300 km north of Kamloops) offers many alternative ed il sito è ricco di novità.
Per conoscere bene il parco consultare il sito di BC PARKS.
Nonché il bellissimo sito del Parco, che suggerisce numerose attività e zone diverse del parco da visitare
Le possibilità di vivere l’autentica wilderness canadese sono innumerevoli. Si sa.
Una proposta sperimentata da un gruppo di amici qualche anno fa è incancellabile nei loro ricordi tanto che da allora non fanno che tornare ogni anno in Canada, cercando di scoprire in ogni provincia quanto di meglio ci sia. Amano e rispettano la natura, boschi, laghi e fiumi ed i loro abitanti, il ritmo lento e silenzioso della vita all’aria aperta, spostandosi a piedi o a cavallo, accompagnati da guide esperte. Questo è il Canada.
Dopo aver visitato Vancouver e dintorni, oppure le Rocciose tra BC e Alberta, alcuni giorni di relax, con base al WELLS GRAY RANCH , within the Provincial Park - 540,000 acres in the majestic Caribou Mountains of British Columbia - enjoying the life of the cowboy: walking in the dense forests to reach the beautiful waterfall Helmcken, Dawson Falls, the Osprey Lookout, the Eagles View, Chute Baileys, camping in a sleeping bag on the shores of Clearwater Lake and the next day exploring by canoe. Maybe
tiring, you have to be trained to walk but in return you receive a contact with nature unimaginable admire the fauna meeting maybe the bear (memorize the rules of conduct) and glimpses of wilderness of breathtaking beauty!
The Wells Gray Ranch (about 300 km north of Kamloops) offers many alternative ed il sito è ricco di novità.
Per conoscere bene il parco consultare il sito di BC PARKS.
Nonché il bellissimo sito del Parco, che suggerisce numerose attività e zone diverse del parco da visitare ... il Canada come te lo immaginavi !
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Myth Of Dune Buggy
The Province of Quebec never misses an appointment with the INTERNATIONAL TOURISM EXCHANGE in Milan.
A full selection of great satisfaction: Québec workers may come into contact with the person of Italian tour operators, and organize promotional campaigns, interviews with the press, meet the future visitors of the province, offering advice aimed at those who want to know good half of their next trip, with a wide range of printed documentation. This contact custom, unique and irreplaceable, is then integrated from the site of Tourism Québec in Italian.
And the games are made!
QUEBEC TOURISM - Tourism Quebec
BIT 2011 - THE WORLD - 2 PAD STAND M16 N15
17 February to 18 February 2011 Restricted to
operators and agencies
19 February to 20 February 2011
Also open to the public - Entrance fee
valid for 1 day - 12 Euro
Preregister site BIT and pay only $ 10
QUEBEC TOURISM - Tourism Quebec
BIT 2011 - THE WORLD - 2 PAD STAND M16 N15
17 February to 18 February 2011 Restricted to
operators and agencies
19 February to 20 February 2011
Also open to the public - Entrance fee
valid for 1 day - 12 Euro
Preregister site BIT and pay only $ 10
Monday, February 14, 2011
Could Queen Size Bed Fit In Cargo Van?
E ' now available (Giunti Editore - pag.320) translation of the full and updated biography of Leonard Cohen Canadian signed by Ira Nadel.
This book was born from conversations between the author, Leonard Cohen and the more people who have been close.
It 's the most complete biography of the Canadian singer, written by a scholar of contemporary literature that analyzes your writing poetry as a voice of social transformations of the last 40 years. We think the impact they have had songs like Suzanne, Blue Raincoat and Joan of Arc. Plus the wanderings through the world, from rock concerts to retire in a Zen monastery.
Looking for those rime che cambiano la vita.
Titolo originale: ''Various positions: a life of Leonard Cohen by Ira B. Nadel''
Poteva sembrare la fine di un'epoca e invece Cohen ritorna oggi a incidere ed esibirsi dal vivo in tutto il mondo per i suoi milioni di fans.
Poteva sembrare la fine di un'epoca e invece Cohen ritorna oggi a incidere ed esibirsi dal vivo in tutto il mondo per i suoi milioni di fans.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
How To Look Like Synyster Gates
Il 33enne Wilbur Sargunaraj , indiano dell’India e non un Nativo Canadese (quindi nella foto Wilbur è quello a sinistra!) passa la sua vita ora tra Tamil Nadu e Toronto. Invitato dall’Ente del Turismo di Ottawa, è stato capace di creare un video musicale promozionale di 4 minuti assolutamente memorabile, un ritmo trascinante e contagioso per celebrare quanto di più divertente si possa trovare nella Capitale canadese: una dolce Beavertail (inizialmente da lui creduta essere una VERA coda di castoro, mozzata al simpatico roditore! Per poi scoprire che si trattava di una pastella fritta simile Poori to spread in southern India), a fun skating (you can tell that he had never put shoes on his feet!) along the longest in the world - the Rideau Canal - the government buildings of Capital Hill, the Byward Market etc.. a first class city ! A
Sargunaraj care what he calls cultural intelligence - in short CQ : My message to the world, Canada, in Ottawa is to focus on quality and not quantity. I always say to people, be a first class citizen and enhances your personality not just your bank account!
La prima star Indiana di YouTube è passata qualche giorno fa da Ottawa e se ne sono viste di tutti i colori!
Il 33enne Wilbur Sargunaraj , indiano dell’India e non un Nativo Canadese (quindi nella foto Wilbur è quello a sinistra!) passa la sua vita ora tra Tamil Nadu e Toronto. Invitato dall’Ente del Turismo di Ottawa, è stato capace di creare un video musicale promozionale di 4 minuti assolutamente memorabile, un ritmo trascinante e contagioso per celebrare quanto di più divertente si possa trovare nella Capitale canadese: una dolce Beavertail (inizialmente da lui creduta essere una VERA coda di castoro, mozzata al simpatico roditore! Per poi scoprire che si trattava di una pastella fritta simile Poori to spread in southern India), a fun skating (you can tell that he had never put shoes on his feet!) along the longest in the world - the Rideau Canal - the government buildings of Capital Hill, the Byward Market etc.. a first class city ! A
Sargunaraj care what he calls cultural intelligence - in short CQ : My message to the world, Canada, in Ottawa is to focus on quality and not quantity. I always say to people, be a first class citizen and enhances your personality not just your bank account!
A new guru of the Web?
Articles from Canadian press: # ixzz1DlQo1nNz
To see video of his other creations well known throughout the world, see the official website:
To see video of his other creations well known throughout the world, see the official website:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Can I Have Brazilian Wax If Gnant
Do not miss the beautiful photographs that run in
L ' HÔTEL DE GLACE - ICE HOTEL , dopo essersi sciolto lo scorso mese di marzo, ora è stato ricostruito praticamente in città, a pochi minuti dal centro storico della città di Québec, al 9530 di Rue de la Faune. Le novità non finiscono qui: con neve compatta e blocchi di purissimo ghiaccio ed a suon di motosega (anziché la classica cazzuola e mattoni!), ecco che fino al 27 marzo prossimo potresti soggiornare in un albergo davvero unico, per la sua struttura ma anche perché ogni anno cambia architettura ed annovera un numero crescente di servizi e comodità. Infatti rispetto allo scorso anno si è aggiunto un ristorante riscaldato, il Padiglione Celsius nonché una lussuosa Hall also heated (up to many degrees ???). Guests from all over the world, defying subzero for an unforgettable experience: individual trips, weddings, film sets, and more.
We understand much more than looking at the site with my description!
We understand much more than looking at the site with my description!
Thus we described it in March 2007 Blue Whale 03/lincredibile-hotel-di-ghiaccio.html
But if the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping on a block of ice crystal, albeit wrapped in a hot sleeping bag and layers of soft fur, do not you go down, you can still go visit him and perhaps sip a refreshing caribou in a tumbler, strictly, of ice!
But if the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping on a block of ice crystal, albeit wrapped in a hot sleeping bag and layers of soft fur, do not you go down, you can still go visit him and perhaps sip a refreshing caribou in a tumbler, strictly, of ice!
Do not miss the beautiful photographs that run in
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Denise Milani In The Dark
a red jacket
Chicago Cops - LA7 hours Mon-Fri 12:30 to 13:30
He 's back on the air a nice Canadian telefilm, written by Paul Haggis, whose continued success since 1994 and has as its protagonist a "our" colleague RCMP Benton Fraser (Paul Gross) and his inseparable companion Diefenbacker a dog-wolf deaf but can read lips (in some series appears Lincoln as a Husky or a Malamute named Draco).
born first as a film before becoming a television series following the success of the United States ... that just happened probably due to the way that Americans have to consider the Canadian way!
the footsteps of the murderers of his father, a legendary officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Fraser arrives from the Rocky Mountains to Chicago, and while recognizing a fish out of water, wants to continue its investigation aided by local cop Ray Vecchio (David Marciano) and gets transferred to the Canadian Consulate in the city.
Other important characters are two women, Meg Thatcher, Upper Fraser and Vecchio Francesca (Ramona Milano), sister of Ray. Both women are desperately in love with Fraser and the very fact that he did not seem aware of it makes it even more interesting.
Yes, because this character is an archetype of Mountie, with so many skills that are crazy about all the women who meet him, attraente, estremamente educato e cortese, premuroso, galante, onesto e sincero, raffinato ed elegante nell’indossare (sempre) la sua divisa rossa, una cultura enciclopedica su qualsiasi argomento, capacità investigative straordinarie, metodi spesso ‘strambi’ che però portano a risultati immediati, apparentemente inflessibile e naif , in ogni circostanza si dimostra desideroso di fare ciò che è giusto pur mettendo a repentaglio quanto ha di più caro.
Tratto dal post di Feuille d'Erable del 25 maggio 2008 Due South
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