We have just concluded the workers 'assemblies' s Racecourse Agnano , organized by unions SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM Fisascat-UIL- and RSUs to share a common path following the announcement last year by 24 since the Office of Personnel Management the willingness to resort to layoffs by October 1 in derogation for all staff. At meetings attended by all workers and professionals in the installation of between workers Agnano, administrative and maintenance personnel that plant, unanimously expressed their opinion in favor of a proposal from the trade unions and RSUs to declare the strike 'ad horas'.
In these moments, the secretariats of regional unions are telling the company how to practice the procedures that the strike will start from 6 am tomorrow morning (09/28/2010) until 6 am the following day (29 / 09.2010) .
" The meeting was held in a hot climate - said hot Massimo Tagliatatela , general secretary of UILCOM Campania - workers are very worried about their future and the total absence of ideas from the property. " The exponent Uil then condemned the company's attitude: "The direction Hippodrome is adrift, interested only in how to handle the financial shortfall caused by the non-payment of annual dues by the unit. Their goal is one only: make sure public money that led up to this year. For this, they tried last week to make the 'bang' snatching only to RSU under the signature of the document to be submitted for approval of the bank. This, of course, hoping that the secretariats of regional unions not notice the attempt to avoid such a confrontation with the union. Unfortunately - explains Tagliatatela - the blitz with the RSU has gone wrong and did not obtain any signature from the unions. Without a serious confrontation on the future of horseracing in Campania and on reviving the Hippodrome Agnano are not willing to enter into any agreement that serves only to prolong a few months l’agonia per consentire alla proprietà di arrivare senza intoppi a Natale, per poi trovare magari in regalo alla Befana la chiusura dell’Impianto o i licenziamenti collettivi”. L’assemblea ha poi deciso la rottura delle relazioni sindacali con quella che lo stesso segretario Uil Massimo Tagliatatelaha ha definito “ una dirigenza arrogante e refrattaria al confronto, che non conosce le regole del corretto rapporto col Sindacato”!
Naples, September 27, 2010 ; Press Office