Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Food Pyramid Broken Capillaries

Tart Mascarpone and Berries

Last Saturday, after a hectic morning in the streets of Milan in search of something that I found I returned home at lunchtime with the intention to prepare this cake saw on Blog Thea.

The idea was to bring the dinner to which I and P rinciple A zzurro P elata were invited. Piccolo particular call was for 20 but at 16.30 we should have 30 minutes from the house to do the other committees. Well, time for completion completa del dolce: due orette scarse!

Quindi... Pronti, Partenza, Via!

Ci siamo messi di buona lena a preparare il tutto.
Prepara la frolla, cuoci la frolla, raffredda la frolla....
Nel frattempo pesa tutti gli ingredienti, cuoci i frutti di bosco, monta il mascarpone, monta la panna, controlla che la frolla sia fredda, confeziona il dolce con il Sac à Poche, posiziona i mirtilli sulla torta, incarta il tutto: Pronta!

Passiamo il pomeriggio a fare le commissioni e poi andiamo a cena. Cena a base di pizza da asporto. Attendo con ansia il momento in cui porteranno a tavola il mio splendido dolce di cui ero fierissima.
Mangiamo l'antipasto, arriva la pizza, mangiamo la pizza.. -mmm good pizza ..-
-Well, now it's up to the sweet! I can not wait to see the faces of the diners! It 'really nice ..-

comes the sweet. Olèèèèèè it's my time, but ...

and comes in paper plates.

What a disappointment! My 15 seconds of glory have vanished like a soap bubble. Puff!

But how?? The most beautiful of all is surprised to see the face of these friends when something made with so much attention .. No.
Patience, fortunately they all liked the taste.

In any case here's the recipe ...

Here I report the doses Original posted by Thea on a baking sheet with a diameter of 22, I had a dose and a half and I packed a sweet 28 cm.

For the pastry (I used the recipe for the likes of which I give you the dose, freezing the excess. Here found one used by Thea)

500g of flour 00
200g caster sugar 200g
di burro freddo
3 uova intere
un pizzico di sale
mezza bustina di lievito chimico per dolci

Per il ripieno
250g di mascarpone
200g di mirtilli
100g di zucchero semolato
250g di panna da montare

Per la decorazione
mirtilli e lamponi circa 200g (o altri frutti di  bosco)

Per prima cosa impastare velocemente la frolla e metterla a riposare in frigorifero per il tempo in cui il forno si scalda a 180°.

Non appena il forno avrà raggiunto la temperatura indicata cuocere la frolla in bianco coperta con carta da forno e fagioli secchi per 10 minuti e successivamente altri 15 minuti scoperta.

Cook the blueberries (or other berries) along with 50g of sugar over low heat for 7 / 8 minutes, drain when ready, taking care not to throw away the juice. Allow to cool.

Install the mascarpone with the remaining sugar (50g) and mount separate the cream. Merge two or three tablespoons of cranberry juice in the mixture of sugar and mascarpone and then incorporate the whipped cream with gentle movements from the bottom up to not remove everything.

At this point, the pastry should have cooled down so we are ready to pack the cake. Pour the cream & mascarpone cream on the bottom of the pastry and add the cooked and drained blueberries, then with the pastry bag with a nozzle Star fill the mold with cream.

Decorate the tart with the berries and put it in the refrigerator up to 15-20 minutes before serving the cake dusted with icing sugar.

Safeguard your cake and bring to the table whole!


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