Thursday, March 10, 2011

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… ossia l’arte dei popoli nordici di cantare con la gola, con parole Inuktitut e suoni che evocano il fascino dell’estremo settentrione del mondo, i suoni dell’universo…Un mezzo di comunicazione per raccontarsi le novità, cullare i bambini, narrare le antiche leggende, …
TANYA TAGAK , nativa di Cambridge Bay-Nunavut, è la testimone moderna di un’arte musicale che si stava quasi perdendo, poi i giovani Inuit hanno ripreso a credere nella propria cultura antichissima e a chiedere che gli anziani insegnassero loro tutto quanto riguardava le tradizioni del their people, build igloos, hunting, fishing, singing, everything in the way of older people as handed down through centuries, ever since they stopped on the ice inhospitable North the latest waves of migration from Central Asia across the Bering Strait still viable .
In many communities of Nunavut and northern regions of Quebec, Labrador and the Northwest Territories is passed down the art of these songs with courses taught by great grandmothers, yes, because the ancient art of throat singing was reserved for women usually in pairs, face to face, almost hugging, singing duets with the sounds overwhelming. A few examples among many available online.

To return to today, with the extraordinarily Tanya Tagak, can be seen on YouTube countless numbers of her concerts: you'll be amazed and fascinated by the twists of primordial poetic musicality of his voice with modern techniques and inspirations.
suggest a video that runs through the stages of composing a piece to be engraved with the Kronos Quartet


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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The Italian immigrants in Canada have maintained a good relationship with the country of origin. The transformation from real Italians in Canada may never occur, particularly in light of Canada's multicultural policy and also the ease of communication with the motherland.
Our ancestors sailed across the ocean often even when ships used to take days and days to make the crossing. The plane has now completely changed the relationship between space and time.
So both Italy and Canada has become usable for the holiday travel, family reunions and more. And our friend Luciano from Ottawa is ready to report any significant incidents that could moigliorare consocenze the reciprocal.

The announcement follows concerns that the Trevisani in the world and not only:
The central section of the 'Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo organizes a trip to Canada from April 28 to May 7, 2011.

The city will visit Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec.

For more information, please contact the Central Section of Trevisani in Treviso.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Il giovanissimo cantante canadese Justin Drew Bieber (nato a Stratford-Ontario, il 1° marzo 1994) è molto amato dalle ragazzine di tutto il mondo e non mancano mai di dimostrargli la loro ammirazione con strilli isterici e svenimenti durante le sue esibizioni! Vende alla grande, imperversa in rete!
Ha un messaggio da trasmettere ai suoi fans:
Non vedo l'ora di riuscire a influenzare gli altri positivamente ,” dice Justin. “ Il mio messaggio è che puoi fare tutto quello che vuoi se ci metti l'impegno. Sono cresciuto al di sotto della soglia di povertà; non avevo quello che avevano gli altri. Ciò mi ha reso me stronger and builds character. Now I have a very good media and I want to go to college, I want to become a better person . "

From Italian official website:
an old soul is really the last thing you'd expect to find in Justin Bieber, but just one listen to realize that the phenomenal fifteen-soul singer is light years ahead of its peers in the pop world designed and built a small table.
In 2007, Justin publishes dozens of amateur videos on YouTube where he shows off his many talents with custom versions of tracks by Usher, Ne-Yo and Stevie Wonder, and collects over 10,000,000 visits only by word of mouth .
"I started singing about three years ago," says Justin, born in Canada and grew up as an only child in Stratford, Ontario. "I attended a local singing competition called Idol Stratford. The other competitors had taken singing lessons and had some vocal coach. I do not take it very seriously then, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 years, I finished second in the race. "
Wanting to share the victory with friends and family, Justin publish its online performance. "I put the video on YouTube where I perform for the singing competition, I wanted to show them to my friends and family," he says. "But then are also liked other people have begun to subscribe to my channel. It 's so I found my manager. I saw on YouTube, has contacted my family and so now I have a contract! "
the qualities of self-taught musician Justin (Justin plays drums, guitar, piano and trumpet) .
October 2008 Justin Bieber has officially signed to Island Records. His debut album My World is an intimate look into the mind of a young man and very promising artist.


Monday, March 7, 2011

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The Canadian Tenors have heard them sing in the video brought on 31 January start-bene.html .
"Hallelujah" is the poignant and moving song composed by Leonard Cohen
accompanying interactive video (a helicopter trip with a 360 ° view ! Extraordinary! Amazing!) shot for the Nimmo Bay Resort in British Columbia.

All products made-in-canada DOC! The quartet is composed of
Remigio Pereira (Québec), Victor Micallef (Toronto), Fraser Walters (Vancouver), Clifton Murray (Port McNeil, BC). Sign of Canadian multiculturalism, they sing in English, French, English and Italian.
Their interpretations are best known The Prayer (duet Celine Dion / Andrea Boccelli), Panis Angelicus (1872 César Franck) and just the 'Hallelujah Cohen.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a tenor vocal group that interpreted various kinds of music - from classical to pop - was born in the intentions of Jill Ann Siemens in 2003 in Victoria, British Columbia, but in the next 4 years there was a large turnover singers (Philip Grant, Ken Lavigne, Paul Ouellette, Frederik Robert, Joey Niceforo, Craig Ashton, Leon Leontardis, Giovanni Amenta, Jamie McKnight, Peter McCutcheon) fino ad approdare al quartetto vocale attuale.

Se oltre a sentirli, vuoi anche vederli interpretare il brano "Hallelujah" , vai su YouTube .

Una bella selezione di loro successi, cantati in tournée in tutto il mondo, è disponibile sul loro sito ufficiale.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Ho deciso che questa settimana parlerò solo di musica, canadese, ovviamente!
Ma incomincio male: per il post di oggi approfitto delle fatiche di altri, e dal sito dell’amico del Canada, Gianvito Magistà, che mi vorrà perdonare, propongo il suo elenco di Band Canadesi Più Famose.
Ora, qui sono ben 17, saranno pure canadesi, ma ammetto che sono poche quelle che ho già sentite nominare. Gusti diversi, ovviamente. Parliamo qui di musica ROCK, a volte Hardcore, altre volte Indie o Pop o Punk o Alternativo… Stuzzicata così la mia curiosità, ho voluto approfondire and I also loved for you all sites listed in the Band!
And you know them all? Do you know more to be reported We Love Canada ?

The Canadian band's most famous
Here is a list of famous Canadian band. Next to the name there is usually performed, while brackets any awards or other interesting notes about the group.
Again, as for the singers, if someone deems appropriate to add other bands to the list can contact us via e-mail.

Alexisonfire, Hardcore (1 Juno Award, 3 MuchMusic Video Awards)

Arcade Fire, Indie Rock (2 Juno Awards, three Grammy nominations)

The Band, Rock (Grammy Award for lifetime achievement in 2008, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame , 50 th place in the ranking of "1oo Artists of All Time" according to Rolling Stone magazine in 2004)

Barenaked Ladies, Rock Alternativo (6 Juno Awards, a World Music Awards, 2 Grammy nominations)

Billy Talent , Alternative Rock (6 Juno Awards, MuchMusic Video Awards 6)

Broken Social Scene, Indie Rock (2 Juno Awards)
http : / /

Chilliwack, Rock (known for "My Girl (Gone Gone Gone)" "I Believe" and "Whatcha Gonna Do) / Bill Henderson

City and Colour, Folk (2 Juno Awards, a MuchMusic Video Award)

Cowboy Junkies, Rock Alternativo (2 Juno Awards for Group of the Year in '90 and '91)

The Guess Who, Rock (3 Juno Awards, the first Canadian band to be No. 1 in the U.S., authors of the song "American Woman")

Nickelback, Rock (12 Juno Awards, four MuchMusic Video Awards, 5 Grammy nominations)

Prozzak , Pop (2 Nominated for Juno Awards with "Hot Show" and "Saturday People", the album's most successful)

Sam Roberts Band, Rock (6 Juno Awards, MuchMusic 5 Video Awards)

Serial Joe, Punk Rock (2 MuchMusic Video Awards, a nomination to the Junos, attendance at Woodstock '99)

Simple Plan, Pop Punk (1 Juno Award; very famous in Italy with "Welcome to my Life," happened in 2004)
http : / /

Sloan, Indie Pop (1 Juno Awards, the album "Twice Removed" is was nominated for 2 times the best ever recorded in Canada)

The Tragically Hip , Rock (14 Juno Awards)
http: / / / index.html

Friday, March 4, 2011

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from Stresa, go to Canada, to speak of Lake Maggiore, and win in Since then three medals. He did the photojournalist Gisella Motta in Banff, Alberta in the region, attended the 58th Meeting Scij, international ski race riservato ai giornalisti. Un vero e proprio mondiale al quale erano presenti oltre duecento giornalisti di 33 nazioni. Motta ha gareggiato nella categoria Junior vincendo due medaglie d’oro, in slalom gigante e in combinata; la terza medaglia, un bronzo, è arrivata nel fondo che non è propriamente la sua specialità.
«Mi sono allenata al Mottarone, la mia montagna - racconta - e a Santa Maria Maggiore per lo sci nordico: voglio quindi ringraziare anche i maestri di sci della val Vigezzo». Motta scrive su riviste come Bell’Italia e Bell’Europa dove spesso promuove il territorio. Maestra di fotografia ha la passione per la montagna e per lo sci in particolare: le sorelle Laura e Patricia hanno fatto parte della nazionale azzurra tra gli anni Settanta e Ottanta. «A Banff ho trovato alcuni grandi campioni di sci come i canadesi Thomas Grandi e Steve Podborski - racconta Motta -: quest’ultimo è stato a Stresa e ha nel cuore ancora il Lago Maggiore. Ho dato a tutti dei libri sul nostro territorio e hanno apprezzato».
(Di V.A. su La Stampa) 28 febbraio 2011

Banff è una delle più memorabili località turistiche al mondo, fruibile sia d'estate sia d'inverno. Luca Astore,attento cultore delle mete turistiche in seno al tour operator Hotelplan Italia, sa che Banff è uno dei miei luoghi del cuore e così non manca mai di indicarmi avvenimenti, storie, curiosità per poterla ricordare anche agli estimatori del Canada .

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comunicatio OR PRINT


On 8 March the next director Flavio Moro, head of the National Telemachus, the Supplementary Fund sector workers at delle Telecomunicazioni , interverrà al dibattito organizzato dalla Uilcom Campania che si terrà presso la Sala Tiempo al Centro direzionale Isola E5 alle ore 10.00 e che vedrà la partecipazione dei lavoratori di Ericsson, Almaviva, Telecom e Tim , nonché le aziende dell’indotto informatico di Telecom quali Telepost, Accenture, TFM, HPDCS, MP Facility e Ceva Logistics . A darne notizia, in una nota, è la segreteria regionale della Uilcom-Uil della Campania tramite Massimo Tagliatatela , segretario generale dell’organizzazione: “ Il dibattito sulla previdenza complementare – spiega Tagliatatela - is of strategic importance in our industry that, more than other product groups, sees in it a multitude of companies, known and less known, they have in their work forces many workers and workers on which rests heavily on the unknown linked to their future retirement. Talking to these workers - continues the union - of wage at the time of exit from the world of work in the light of the changes introduced by the recent reform, which established the possibility of allocating part of their severance indemnity fund to a category to build an integration allowance Inps wage at the time of in welfare provision, it means asking the question as to what might be their standard of living in retirement and encourage them to make important decisions today, and meditate on their future and that of their families . The telecommunications sector is in fact more than any other one in which there are many companies that make use of precarious forms of employment contract types and these are mainly the preserve of a band of working women and very young. "Many of these precarious - adds the exponent Uil - are then stabilized thanks to the support measures for companies that make new jobs contained in the Plan calls 'Campania at Work' recently launched by the regional Nappi. It 's the case of Almaviva Contact that in recent weeks has signed agreements with the unions for the stabilization of more than 300 given that for years operated in the center of Naples. These workers - concluded the Secretary Tagliatatela - deserves an immediate communication and information on the rule of 'tacit consent' introduced by the reform, that within six months after the company requires them to communicate their will to the destination of severance pay and, simultaneously, the obligation of the union workers with respect to these and all other assumptions for the longest time is to explain the importance Telemachus to join to build support parallel to the pension of employees, which will certainly not alone sufficient to maintain unchanged the standard of living of each worker .
The UILCOM will also bring in other telecommunications companies responsible for the Moro National Telemachus Flavio . They are, in fact, provided the other two stages: one in the same day on 8 March to 14 in the auditorium of Telecontact Center , outsourcing of Telecom and the other the day of the 9th of March in the area Olivetti in Pozzuoli at 10.00, Telemachus where the delegate will meet with workers Wind, Vodafone and Com.Data .
Naples, March 4, 2011 Press Office

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Grande evento martedì 5 aprile 2011 al Columbus Centre di Toronto. Sarà infatti possibile visionare in anteprima alcuni degli oggetti,documenti e spezzoni di interviste che faranno poi parte di una mostra permanente sull’internamento dei cittadini italiani durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
La cerimonia avrà luogo nel municipio sito al numero 901 di Lawrence Street Avenue West dalle ore 1900 alle 2100.
Il progetto a scopo didattico è stato reso possibile da un fondo governativo e avrà sede permanente nella Joseph D Carrier Gallery del Columbus Centre.
Il contributo di 916.827 dollari canadesi da parte del Community Historical Recognition Program (Program of the Community Historical Recognition) will be used for the creation of "Italian as Enemy Aliens: Memories of World War II" ("Italians as enemy aliens: Memories of World War II") which will include a permanent exhibition of objects , photographs, and other material connected with the period of internment, a memorial wall with all the names of those interned, a collection of tales from oral history and an inventory of materials and sources on the inside for students, researchers and teachers.
The finished project will be presented in March 2012.
On June 10, 1940 is the date on which the innocent were branded Italian-Canadians as "enemy aliens" by the Canadian government following the declaration of war on Canada Mussolini's fascist Italy. Thousands of Italians, adults and children, were arrested and forcibly taken to the fair in Toronto (CNE - Canadian National Exhibition) before being transferred to the prison camp in Petawawa.
The history of the Italian internees to Canada is ably told by Mario Dulian in his book "The City Without Women" in which he describes his experience in the field before and Petawawa and Gagetown. Fate similar to that of other Italians who were interned in India, USA, Australia and even in Costa Rica page ugly and not yet well known in our contemporary history.
also included in the project will be a series of interviews with people of Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia who were interned or indirectly touched the inside.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Sara Seager and extraterrestrial life

who is passionate about astronomy, and anything else that has to do with the world above our heads, is aware of the possibility of the existence of other worlds. Or at least, realizes that in the vastness of the sky, the Earth is only one of many planets: just to prove it. Which for centuries scientists such as Copernicus trying to do. In this

period, Canada also has a scientist, very knowledgeable on the subject, in the person of Sara Seager. Born in Toronto in 1971, graduated in mathematics and physics at the University of Toronto, has since specialized in astronomy from Harvard with a thesis on the atmosphere in the extrasolar planets, before obtaining a professorship in physics and planetary sciences at MIT in Boston.

As you can see, a good preparation today that the door to say that the current generation of scientists with expertise in the first position to find out whether life exists beyond Earth. According to Sara Seager of thousand years, our era will be remembered as the starting point of interstellar travel.

Sara Seager is ready then to prove that we are not alone. A sort of Indiana Jones astronomy.

Believe. And why not?