The recipe for this cake is a tradition at home, especially because the grandmother's recipe comes from DOC. Of course to me is not good good good as she did, but I would say that is very close! This is why I decided to participate in my very first contest offered by Anise & Cinnamon where the cuisine of Puglia and Basilicata are the focus of the race!
Ingredients for the dough
400 g durum wheat flour 200 grams
00 (okay also 0)
1 boiled potato (or 3 tablespoons potato flakes)
25 gr yeast 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon salt
50/60 gr extra virgin olive oil (Puglia)
1 / 2 liter of warm water about
Ingredients for the filling
20 pitted green olives cut in half
20 cherry tomatoes cut in half
salt to taste
oregano pepper to taste
The recipe is very simple and quick to perform.
First mix the flour, sugar, salt and boiled potato (or potato flakes) in a grossa ciotola.
Sciogliere il lievito nel mezzo litro d'acqua tiepida e versare il tutto nella ciotola con la farina. Mescolare velocemente con le mani o con un cucchiaio di legno e aggiungere l'olio.
A questo punto io continuo ad impastare per 7/8 minuti con le fruste a spirale di un minuscolo Minipimer, chiaramente chi ha un Kitchen Aid o un Kenwood può impastare tutto dentro la planetaria.
Passati i 7 minuti l'impasto avrà una consistenza molliccia e appicicosa (tipo blob)! Versare subito il tutto in una teglia unta d'olio e cercare di distribuire l'impasto su tutta la teglia con le mani ben unte.
Una teglia da 28 cm di diametro andrà benissimo, se la volete un po' più alta di come è came to me clearly used a smaller pan! :)
Cut olives in half and put them sull'impasto with the cut side down.
Put the pan to rise in a warm oven (about 28 ° / 30 °) for one hour and 30 minutes, after which the cake has reached the edge of the pan and is surprisingly flimsy.
After the rising time gently pull the pan so as not to leave the gas and heat the oven at a temperature of 200 °. Meanwhile cut the tomatoes in half and place them on the delicate cake. You will see that it is so soft that they will tend to sink, do not worry, everything is normal! Sprinkle
the surface with plenty of oregano, salt, ground pepper and drizzle with a little excellent olive oil from Puglia (I have one of his grandfather!).
Bake at 200 °, preferably ventilated oven for about 35/40 minutes, until cake is golden brown on the surface.
The photo is of my super friend Paola . All credit and rights are clearly her!
Grazissime to you and your outstanding professionalism.