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... Baci di Dama!
MammaSbadata The other day during a coffee break has expressed a desire to eat a kiss of a Lady, "Can you?" I wonder ...
course you can! Find the recipe online last night and I am making a good pace to knead.
The result was 100% satisfactory with regard to the taste .. 80 for the form. The balls that I had put in the oven to cook you are magically enlarged and lowered, are now of little flying saucers ..
The recipe I used is that of GialloZafferano of which there doses and carry passes.
200g flour 00
200g butter (I have used cold)
200g roasted hazelnuts
200g sugar 200g dark chocolate
First you need to chop the hazelnuts with the mixer with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Then add (always in the mixer) the remaining sugar and flour until everything is well mixed. Then pour everything into a large bowl and add the butter cut into small pieces. Begin to knead it very quickly, like a pastry. Once mixed, cover with plastic wrap and store in frigo per una mezz'ora.
Passata la mezzora formare con la pasta delle piccole palline della dimensione di una nocciola e posizionarle ben distanziate su una teglia ricoperta di carta da forno.
Io ho infornato subito le palline in forno già caldo (ventilato) a 160° per un quarto d'ora ma si sono schiacciate molto. Su cookaround mi hanno consigliato di metterle in frigo per un paio d'ore prima di infornare. Dovrebbero mantenere meglio la forma perchè il burro freddo impiegando più tempo a sciogliersi tiene maggiormente i biscotti in forma. Proverò...
Una volta cotti (non toccateli subito perchè sono morbidissimi..) farli raffreddare su una superficie cold .. (I put them on the balcony).
Meanwhile melt the chocolate in a bain marie. Dial the kisses of spreading a little lady 'to chocolate on flat side of a biscuit and overlapped one of similar size.
are delicious .. if I had come too beautiful I would be happier.